Piper's Podcast: Road Trip Gone Wrong! MP3 Download

Piper's Podcast: Road Trip Gone Wrong! MP3 Download


Meet Piper, an overbearingly enthusiastic 14 year old. This summer after her 5th attempt at a podcast she ends up recording something interesting. Yes, it may be less about her own life, and more about her sister's life (which is falling apart), but content is still content!

Join Piper, and this road trip gone wrong, as she records a frazzled sister, her sister's childhood best friend, (whose reasons for being around are unclear) and the countless troubles the girls encounter while searching for a suspiciously absent mentor. The girls are thrown into an adventure that none of them wanted, (except Piper), and have to come to terms with the idea of being stuck in a place where none of them want to be.

Also, why does the Faul Valley factory keep coming up?

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